Hoeflon C30e
9-tonne pick & carry crane

9000 kg

22 m

8700 kg
The most powerful crane in its class
The fully electric C30e is a real powerhouse. This 9-tonne mini crane maximises its capacity and demonstrates its strength in the industrial sector. The crane is fully operated with a remote control, allowing the operator to focus entirely on the lifting work.
Driving with a load
Pick & carry
With the C30e, you can drive while carrying a load. Thanks to its low centre of gravity and extendable crawler tracks, the crane is able to drive up a slope. The Hoeflon C30e offers greater ground clearance because the crawler tracks extend at a downward angle. It is possible to transport a steel beam on the side of the pick & carry crane.

Maximum lifting height
Main boom with a backward angle of up to 5°
The main boom of the C30e can be tilted at angles of up to 5° in the negative direction, creating more space to lift loads in small, compact areas. This increases the crane's versatility, making it possible to work effectively in cramped environments.

Span over obstacles and height differences
Folding legs
The C30e is equipped with folding legs that are normally low to the ground, allowing them to extend beneath obstacles. When stabilising over an obstacle, the folding leg can easily be extended. These folding legs are also particularly useful on uneven terrain, where they can compensate for a height difference of up to 1.6 metres.

Extra compact
Foldable winch
When retracted, the C30e is extra compact thanks to the foldable winch. This makes it easy to transport the crane with a commercial van. The short, compact boom also contributes to this.

Flexible positioning
Hydraulically extendable and adjustable outrigger legs
The legs of the C30e are hydraulically extendable, so you can utilise the maximum lifting capacity in any situation. Moreover, the legs are hydraulically adjustable, ensuring you can always stabilise in the optimal position and perfectly set up the crane at any worksite.

I want a C30e
Would your like information about our mini crane? Then please contact us. Our team is happy to help!